Friday, December 18, 2009

Alright. Finally, I've calmed myself down and here, a PROPER post about the PMR result thingy.

Okayy. So, next Thursday, will be the result collection day.
Most people would say that.. ' Oh my God! That would be the worst day ever! '

But for me, I will say ' I can't wait! I'm nervous! '
People are all status-ing about PMR result collection day in their Facebook!
Including me too!

When I first knew about it, my hand was sweating like mad! Heart jumping as fast as a rabbit!
And I went to the STAR ONLINE to check it out!
Yep, it was true!

In the evening, I took a nap and I kept thinking about it. Uhh ohh!
Oh yeah, just in the morning.. I talked to my friends about PMR!
Everyone said that they dreamt about PMR!
Nightmares huh?

That news was actually a shock.
Everyone expected to get their result on the 28th!
But.. instead of 28th..they will be getting it on 24th! =S
Flick their face to tell them that they are not dreaming!

I gotta appreciate that day!
A day full of tears of sorrow and joy!
O don't know whether I will cry or smile!
But hopefully, I will LAUGH!

I planned to find my tuition teachers if I LAUGH!
Well, til here then. I will post more!

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