Friday, October 3, 2008

3th October 2008


What a terrible holiday...
Holiday also need to stand strong> take book> sit> and study!

Alright,my kitten was LOST yesterday.
Felt so sad...

As I woke up, I was finding my kitten.
I went outside the house and find.
But I couldn't find it.

Then, I told my brother about it.
He came outside the house and searched for it too.
We kept 'meow'ing and the kitten wasn't appearing.

My brother quickly said that it is dead.

Reasons that we are thinking why is it lost:
1. Eaten by the wild dogs
2. Stole by the maids of neighbours'
3. the kitten walked around til lost

It was a 3 months kitten and now... MISSING.
Where should it be now?
I miss the moments we're together...........................

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