Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Woohoo friends!

Science and Geography test was overed!
I am too happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Science paper 2 was the hardest paper for today. Sobs.
I burnt midnight oil yesterday. Sobs.

I used my whole night reading Form 3's Science. And then, I read Geography like a train..
The reason why paper 2 was hard is because, those questions that came out... T___T I did not read at all!

I don't know how many stupid answers I wrote in that paper. TT
Geography was the easiest paper OVERALL.

My love to Geography will be forever. XD
I am not really worried about tomorrow since tomorrow's papers are easy and NOT IMPORTANT.

Anyway. I want my KH to get A. Kekalkan record. XD

Damn. I haven't finish doing my projectssssssss.
And I have to hand in tomorrow.
Gotta burn midnight oil again.
These two days, I slept only 5 hours at night. TT

I am so going to take a nap later!
I don't care!
Bomb me burn me kick me... I will not wake up until I charge enough enough. ><

Got to go.

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