Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fulled of dirty jokes today. During tuition. LMAO!

Physics teacher gave us an example on random error.
He drew out MIDDLE FINGER as an example. LOL LOL LOL.
Can't stop laughing today.

This add maths teacher was explaining about linear equations and I HAVE NO IDEA why he has to relate it with the gorillas and dirty dirty things.

'Boy, call me your dad when I have affair with your mum. '
'Boy, try to suck her milk and call her mama.'

 Damn that add maths teacher. He asked me, 'sister, how many mamas you have?'
'ONE' =.=

Siaooooooooooo arh.

Rest in Peace, Brendon Yeoh from Georgetown. :(
Although I do not really know you.

What on earth is going on?

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