Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Went to Times Square with friends today.

The first thing after everyone reached was, buy tickets for our movie.

4 of us included me watched HSM 3.

2 of us watched Madagascar.

Another 2 were late and they went for shopping on their own.

HSM 3 was great. =P

I know, I'm too late to watch this movie.

But horr... The cinema was fulled! Can you imagine that?

And... you know what? I had to sit at the second row from the screen. TT

But..masih boleh tahan.

After movie, we went to buy presents for the 2 birthday girls.

We went to McDonald's since everyone was hungry excluded me.

I mean, I wasn't hungry.

But I ate too.

Ate McChicken set.

You know what? One of them, emm.. my friend's friend horr..Said she'll give us a coupon but then we had to pay back her after we use the coupon. I was like, why don't I just straight away pay for the foods?

More easier. Then, she keep forcing us to use her coupon and pay back her.

I thought, maybe the coupons she got for free and if we use it and pay her back, she'll get money. $$

So..I told her that I'm not going to use it. And fine lo..

Ended up by not using it. Some of friends did the same too.

Then, we went to the machine games place..

Then, went to toilet.

Then, went for window shopping.

And the end.
Conclusion: I used quite a lot money today. TT
But, don't misunderstand. I'm not stingy.
Anyway, next month going again...
To celebrate __'s birthday. ^^

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