Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Currently drinking MR.Coconut. XD

Got fever on last few days and finally, I was recovered on Saturday.
But things got worse when yesterday, I found myself, full of red spots on my both legs and hands.

I was shocked and seriously, I was bathing.
I quickly finished up my bath and rushed to my dad and showed him.

He observed and told me maybe I'm having the disease which chinese called it as 'chut ma'.
And he called me to ask my mum when she comes back from work.

But, I had my tuition when she came back home.
After tuition, as I reached home, my mum called me to show her.

I did and she said the same as my dad.
And, those red spots got worse and redder at night. shit

Luckily, today, it became better.


I had been not onlining for so long not because I got fever.
This is due to my house area's phone cable.

Heard that the cable got some problems and it made my house phone out of function.
And even my streamyx face some problems to be connected due to that shitty cable.

At last, my streamyx back to normal on yesterday but my brother was using the computer.
So, I can't get online. Real sorry.


I don't know why peoples get so high when the Christmas is just around the corner.
All the peoples were blogging about Christmas whereas I'm still sitting in front of the screen without bothering it.

Maybe, it's none of my business? Poo!
Yes, I don't celebrate Christmas, seriously.

Last time, I used to celebrate it with my neighbour.
Exchanging presents...

But now, they moved away and we are not contacting each other already.
But the girl which older than me one year, which was my best friend last time, is not a lesbian.

Eww, why do girls need to be lesbian?
You have to know your relationship won't LAST FOREVER.

Sorry, but I'm just telling the truth.
And for me, these relationships are stupid and ridiculous.


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